This blog is the public declaring of my frustrations and comments, with enough positive stuff to stop you or I becoming cynical. I am happy for you to comment as long as you exercise a bit of charity towards this weary traveler who is still on a journey.

Tuesday 17 August 2010


Our grangaughters short term fostering placement is getting near it's end. The SS (remember them) are looking for carers for the long haul. Our experiance of the last 3 months tells me that they will need to be extra special people, and thats just to deal with the SS let alone our grandaughter.
It's only when we had a chance to take stock of our live's that we realised that the last 29 years of childcare (we still have a 12 year old at home) have left us very little in reserve, and we don't have the energy to cope with a troubled, difficult six year old.
Apart from that, and the one still at home, an emerging teenager (both female) clash constantly.. leaving us with the more than occaisional feeling that WW3 is about to break out.

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